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Alter-Globalization. How actors contest Globalization

Alter-Globalization. How actors contest Globalization.
9 February 2011. 12h30 - 15h30. World Social Forum. Dakar.

Speakers : Giuseppe Caruso (NIGD, speaker and chair), Chico Whitaker, Mark Becker (CSC, Belgian Trade Union), Francine Mestrum (NIGD, CA CETRI), Thomas Ponniah (NIGD), Nicola Bullard (Focus on the Global South), Gus Massiah, Geoffrey Pleyers (FNRS Belgium, AG CETRI)

Organizers : Network Institute for Global Democratization, CSC (Belgium), CETRI (Belgium)

“Alter-Globalization” (Polity Press, 2011) proposes to discuss it starting from concrete experimentations by social actors around the world who have contested globalization in its neoliberal form, proposed alternative policies and implemented participatory organization models. The book especially focuses on the tension between the two core logics of the movement - subjective experience and expertise based on reason. This panel will discuss the outcomes and the limits of the global justice movement in this perspective, including how the movement has changed in the face of the recent crisis of the very capitalism it criticizes and of the rising concern for global warming.