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L’Inde aux prises avec ses vieux démons

Aurélie Leroy 27/02/20

La frénésie de violence contre les musulmans qui a enflammé Delhi, en cette fin février, est l’un des pires épisodes que la capitale ait connus depuis des décennies. Elle est le résultat d’une accumulation de politiques provocatrices et délibérées de la (...)

Feminisms in Iraq: Beyond the Religious and Secular Divide

Zahra Ali 20/01/20

This article explores feminisms and women’s activisms in today’s Iraq and highlights the heterogeneity of both their religious and secular expressions in analysing them in relation to each other rather than as distinct. I argue that not (...)

Between throwing rocks and a hard place: FPI and the Jakarta riots

Ian Wilson 03/06/19

Many of the questions surrounding who was responsible for the violence that erupted in Jakarta on 21–22 May will likely never be answered. Prevailing theories suggest roles for a mix of interests and actors, involving paid thugs, religious (...)

Los evangélicos y el hermano Bolsonaro

Lamia Oualalou 30/04/19

Bautizado en el río Jordán, en Israel, Jair Bolsonaro mantiene una productiva ambigüedad religiosa: se hizo evangélico sin dejar de ser católico. Su elección atrajo primero el voto evangélico y, más tarde, el apoyo de grandes iglesias como la Universal (...)

Are Indonesia and Malaysia Ready to Stand up for China’s Muslims?

Nithin Coca 30/01/19

The two Southeast Asian states might be the best hope for pressure from the Islamic world. By now, the scale of the crisis is clear. There are up to 3 million Turkic Muslims – primarily Uyghurs but also ethnic Kazakhs and Kyrgyz – in a vast (...)

La fragmentation du genre dans l’Irak post-invasion

Didier Epsztajn, Zahra Ali 26/11/18

Recension de Didier Epsztajn à propos de l’article de Zahra Ali consacré à la «fragmentation du genre dans l’Irak post-invasion», dans la revue Nouvelles questions féministes, consacrée aux Solidarités familiales ?. Loin du campisme (l’ennemi de mon (...)

New violence against Muslims in Sri Lanka has old roots

Pravin Prakash 30/03/18

On 5 March 2018, the Sri Lankan government mandated a state of emergency for ten days following riots and a wave of targeted violence against Muslims in the city of Kandy. The latest episode took place after a Sinhalese Buddhist truck driver (...)

Ascenso electoral del conservadurismo evangélico en América Latina

Carlos Martínez García 16/02/18

Un espíritu recorre América Latina, el del conservadurismo evangélico. No es el único espíritu que peregrina por el continente, pero sí uno que tiene atractivo creciente para considerables porcentajes de la población latinoamericana. Con distintos (...)

What’s Attracting Women to Myanmar’s Buddhist Nationalist Movement?

Isabel Marler, Macarena Aguilar 05/02/18

Amid Myanmar’s transition towards democracy, a dangerous Buddhist nationalist movement is on the rise, and women are playing a key role. In the hastily-built displacement camps of Rakhine state, in the western part of Myanmar, where some 129,000 (...)

Myanmar: the darker side of buddhism

Paul Fuller 21/11/17

Sitagu Sayadaw is one of the most respected religious leaders in Myanmar. He is very well known for his teachings and for his philanthropic work. He has considerable influence. It therefore surprised many in his native Myanmar and worldwide when (...)

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