La société civile indonésienne a connu un réel essor ces vingt dernières années. Son bilan demeure toutefois mitigé. Les espoirs soulevés par l’élection de Jokowi à la présidence du pays ont été déçus. Face à la baisse de croissance, le gouvernement (...)
Les élections de 2019 en Indonésie ont vu une participation en hausse des femmes, y compris comme candidates, mais largement portée par des organisations aux orientations conservatrices, paradoxalement hostiles aux mouvements et revendications (...)
Many of the questions surrounding who was responsible for the violence that erupted in Jakarta on 21–22 May will likely never be answered. Prevailing theories suggest roles for a mix of interests and actors, involving paid thugs, religious (...)
Five years ago, many saw the electoral contest between Joko Widodo and Prabowo Subianto as a battle between good and evil. In April 2019, the two men face-off again for the presidency. This time it seems more like a case of the lesser of two (...)
The two Southeast Asian states might be the best hope for pressure from the Islamic world. By now, the scale of the crisis is clear. There are up to 3 million Turkic Muslims – primarily Uyghurs but also ethnic Kazakhs and Kyrgyz – in a vast (...)
Several insightful analyses of Joko Widodo’s approach to the presidency have been advanced since he took office. For the most part, these have focused on his overriding preoccupation with domestic economic development, and his lack of a clear (...)
On conçoit souvent, à raison, « l’ubérisation » du travail comme une forme de régression par rapport à l’emploi salarié classique. Mais dans les pays où celui-ci n’a jamais constitué la norme, ses conséquences peuvent se révéler plus ambiguës. C’est du moins (...)
Civilian militias and other societal groups that can exercise violence with legitimacy are proliferating throughout Indonesia. So far two dominant perspectives have been used to explain this phenomenon. The first argues that vigilantism and (...)
Djakarta, 9 mai 2017. « Coupable de blasphème ». Le gouverneur de Djakarta, M. Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, couramment appelé Ahok, a été condamné à deux ans de prison ferme pour ce délit, bien inscrit à la Constitution mais très contesté au sein d’une (...)
Judging from national and international headlines, Jakarta’s gubernatorial election on 19 April represents not just a major turning point for the nation’s capital and city of 12 million, but potentially for the entire country. The alarmist tone is (...)