Los autores explican la importancia de implementar el enfoque de Medios de Vida Sostenible (EMVS) para sacar a las familias de la pobreza “Las políticas pueden ser buenas, pero no resultan ; es como si ponemos una moneda a la rockonola, escogemos (...)
Timed perhaps as a new year gift to the world, the UN Secretary General put out in December 2014 a boldly worded document ‘The Road to Dignity by 2030 : Ending Poverty, Transforming All Lives and Protecting the Planet’. As a call to all countries (...)
The UN Secretary General has released the long‐awaited Synthesis Report on the Post-2015 framework for the global development agenda for the next 15 years. Titled “The Road to Dignity by 2030 : Ending Poverty, (...)
The Campaign for People’s Goals for Sustainable Development (The People’s Goals) challenges world leaders gathered for the 20th session of the Conference of Parties in Lima, Peru to heed people’s call not only for binding post-2015 goals and (...)
Le docteur Pablo Sanchez Zeballos, scientifique péruvien, a oeuvré à rassembler l’expérience, les connaissances et l’héritage millénaire des anciens Péruviens. Il fut considéré comme un sage et un pionnier du développement durable. Son fils, l’ingénieur (...)
A stand-alone goal on addressing inequality continues to see a serious divide between developing and developed countries. Member States in the Open Working Group (OWG) on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that is meeting at its 12th session (...)
Several High Level Meetings were held at the UN Headquarters in New York from 23 September to 8 October related to the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) and the sustainable development agenda beyond 2015 that builds on the MDGs. On 23 (...)
Speech at meeting of international social movements, Hotel Trang, Bangkok, August 31, 2012. This July was the hottest July in the United States ever since they started keeping records. In India, the monsoon rains are long delayed, resulting in (...)
Définie par l’ONU comme « une manière écologique de faire des affaires », l’économie verte entend réconcilier croissance et nature. Le troisième pilier du développement durable (le social) mis entre parenthèses, le temps de rebooster le premier (...)
http://www.rtbf.be/info/opinions/detail_l-evasion-fiscale-au-service-du-developpement-durable?id=7920325 Ça ne s’invente pas. Le 1er Congrès interdisciplinaire sur le développement durable (Namur, 31 janvier - 1er février) « rehaussé par la présence (...)